viernes, 16 de julio de 2010

jueves, 24 de junio de 2010


Quien es mejor Sergio Ramos, Fernando Torres o David Villa?

martes, 22 de junio de 2010

domingo, 30 de mayo de 2010

lunes, 24 de mayo de 2010


One day there was a girl called Nerea. She is 8 years old, brown hair and she lived with her family in a chalet in the year 2000.
Nerea has a brother called Diego, her mum was called in a mysterious way and her dad was called Jose Manuel Martin Martin Martin. She also has a dog called Troly.

One day Nerea was going to take the dog for a walk and suddenly the dog wasn’t there! she was bloodless: even if her dog wasn’t there she could hear it.
The next days she was crying and trying to find her dog. She looked everywhere, but she couldn´t find her dog. She also asked her gardener but he didn’t have a clue.

She decided to go to school and ask if they had seen her dog. But they hadn´t, so Troly which was her dog was lost and they didn’t know were.

1 year later…

Nerea continued with her normal life because she thought that there was no solution, so she continued going to school, to swim, to piano…

10 years later...

Nerea was going home on her own and suddenly she saw a dog, it looked exactly like the dog she had 11 years past, it responded to the name that Nerea had given him. Then she started to remember when Troly was lost 11 years ago.

In one minute or something like that the dog started to smell her and he also licked her. She was so surprise (surprised)! So she takes her dog home and she started giving him the toys that he had.
The next morning 5 boys about 19 years old knock on the door and said: “open the door; we know that you are there, if you don’t open we will shoot with our rock drill.

To be continued…